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Performing Arts

Jodi Bilsborow
Performing Arts Coordinator
“The object of the Arts is to give life shape” William Shakespeare.

Welcome to 2022 Performing Arts. I am excited to venture into a new year of creativity and expression. All classes have commenced with enthusiasm, confidence, and lots of laughter. This term, students will engage in various activities that encourage listening skills, cooperation, focus, spatial awareness and to build positive relationships in the classroom. Preps, Two’s, and Four’s will be involved in the production. “The Adventures of Neverland”. At this stage it is uncertain whether we perform on stage or create the performance digitally due to COVID. Last year we filmed it and it turned out to be quite successful.

Preps- Began their first week playing musical statues and playing instruments to build confidence, spatial awareness, and rhythmic skills. As the term progresses will begin to learn choreography for the production. The theme “The Land of Animals and Mythical Creatures”.

Year ones- Will further develop their rhythmic skills and spatial awareness through music and drama activities and as the term progresses begin to explore Musicals.

Year Twos – Will explore Indigenous storytelling and music though an array of cultures such as Indigenous Australia, Native American Indian, Polynesia and Africa which will be integrated into the production. The theme “Dreamtime stories”.

Year Threes – Have commenced the year developing their acting skills through improvisation and mime activities. As the year progresses will explore mime in more detail and Shadow Puppetry which is a popular theatrical art form in Asia.

Year Fours- Are currently working on their acting skills and are preparing to audition for the main character roles for the production. As the year progresses will develop their production items in collaboration with the Arabic team. The theme based on Ancient Civilizations.

Year Fives – Are developing the acting skills but will primarily focus their acting skills for the screen or camera instead of the stage. This term they will make media reports. Term 2 a TV show, Term 3 Radio plays. Therefore, integrating technology. This will take much planning and collaboration.

Looking forward to the year ahead with much enthusiasm and passion.

Warmest Regards.

Jodi Bilsborow
Performing Arts Coordinator