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At times throughout their schooling a number of students require additional assistance in order to gain understandings and concepts or additional challenges, We have a number of programs which address these needs.

Opportunities for special needs include:

  • Reading Recovery - an individual half hour daily program lasting for 12 weeks.
  • Special Needs program - addresses needs in Maths and English across all age groups
  • E.S.L. (English as a second language) assists students with language difficulties as a result of their non English speaking background.

Opportunities for extended study include:

  • Participation in National and State competitions in English and Maths
  • Participation in programs at other schools in a variety of curriculum areas.
  • Extensive sports programme

Within the classroom:

Students who are gifted and talented are extended through a variety of programs and processes which cater for individual differences and therefore the provision of appropriate learning activities.