Build Your House in Paradise
The Australian International Academy of Education Inc has been part of the fabric of Melbourne’s Islamic community for almost 40 years, pioneering in the education of young Muslims that humbly began with 64 students at the King Khalid Coburg Campus back in 1983.
Almost 4 decades later, the Academy has grown to 3 campuses and has graduated 1700 prepared and self-motivated citizens who have positively impacted their communities and the wider Australian society while upholding their core, Muslim values.
What we believe to be a measure of the school’s success, is witnessing the children of many of our graduates have also become our students, creating a tradition and connection across generations. And like the families who are part of the AIA community, so too have the many businesses who have assisted the Academy through various sponsorships and partnerships for almost as long as the Academy has been around. The success of the Academy isn’t just through the efforts of the school and dedication of our families but also the wider Muslim community, through businesses, individuals and organisations who have played an integral role in the flourishing and growth of AIA, Alhamdulillah.
We are pleased to announce one of our most important and much needed projects, the building of a mosque at our Melbourne Secondary Campus at 56 Bakers Road in North Coburg, insha Allah. This mosque will be able to cater for 850 worshippers, with a design that combines Islamic tradition while providing other facilities and functionality for our students to use; a place where they will feel a sense of connection to; not just through prayer but through other aspects of their schooling lives.
The cost of the project is approximately $5 million, of which the Academy will be able to service half of, but we need your support to be able to cover the remaining $2.5 million which will ensure that we are able to build something that will be special to not only the Academy, students and their families but the wider Muslim community, too.

Purchase a Plaque
Be part of history and help in building the AIA Mosque through your sadaqah jariyah (charity with ongoing benefit). Furthermore, we want to acknowledge that this mosque will be built by a community collective by recognising your business, family or an individual through a “name plaque.”
There are 5 levels of plaques:
-Platinum Donation $50 k, Gold Donation $20 k, Silver $10k, Bronze $5k, White $1k.
-All proceeds will go towards building the mosque, only.
For all plaque donations please contact the Main Office on (03) 9350 4533 or through email: or by donating to the AIA Mosque account:
Account name: AIA Academy Mosque
BSB: 083-004
ACC NO: 505 589 973