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Evette Armstrong
Prep teacher

AIA would like to extend a big hello and welcome to our 2022 Prep students and their families! Our four magnificent Prep teachers have been super excited to welcome the new cohort of Prep students this year.

We are so proud of how well the students have settled and adapted to their new routines. The Prep students have all been energetically participating in various interactive and engaging activities to help settle into their new environment.

The activities that are planned are designed to encourage students to become independent, display self-confidence as well as, make positive relationships inside and outside of the classroom.

The first few weeks of school have been very busy. Students have been enjoying listening to books and have already begun to read along when listening to books that have a repetitive pattern.

As you walk past the Prep classrooms the sound of learning and laughter can be heard. The Prep teachers are already so proud of how well the students have integrated into school life and the AIA community.

We are predicting a very successful year ahead for our Preps!