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IMPORTANT NOTE: Submissions and communications regarding Personal Project is done through ManageBac

All year 10 students must complete a Personal Project. A total of four credit points is available for the Personal Project.

Students will be awarded 4 Credit Points for the satisfactory completion of the project according to the required criteria and if handed in on time.

Please note: Failure to submit a personal project may jeopardise admission into the Year 11 and 12 programs offered at the Academy.

Non-submission of semester 1 requirements will result not having access to the Year 11 Subject selection portal in Term 3 as well as a meeting between parents and Academy Senior Management to discuss the unsatisfactory progress of the Personal Project.

What is a Personal Project?

MYP projects help students to develop the attributes of the IB learner profile; they provide students with an essential opportunity to demonstrate Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills developed through the MYP and foster the development of independent, lifelong learners. All students in MYP Year 5 (Year 10) must complete the personal project.

The personal project encourages students to practise and strengthen their ATL skills, consolidate prior and subject-specific learning and develop an area of personal interest. Personal projects revolve around a challenge that motivates and interests individual students.

Aims of the Personal Project

The aims of the personal project are to encourage and enable students to:

  • participate in a sustained, self–directed inquiry within a global context,
  • generate creative new insights and develop deeper understandings through in-depth investigation,
  • demonstrate the skills, attitudes and knowledge required to complete a project over an extended period of time,
  • communicate effectively in a variety of situations,
  • demonstrate responsible action through, or as a result of, learning and
  • appreciate the process of learning and take pride in their accomplishment.


The project must be personal. The topic should reflect students’ interests, hobbies, special abilities or concerns about particular issues.

The project must be focussed on one of the six Global Contexts. Inquiring into a topic through a global context enables students to develop a deeper understanding of both the topic and how it relates to the real world.

  • Identities and relationships
  • Orientation in time and space
  • Personal and cultural expression
  • Scientific and technical innovation
  • Globalisation and sustainability
  • Fairness and development

The project must be entirely the student’s own work and be completed over an extended period of time.

The project must include a Project Report and a Process Journal and along with an extensive report.

2022 Documents

Personal Project Handbook for Students and Supervisors

2022 Personal Project Handbook

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Personal Project Applying Skills Presentation

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