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In English, Year 8 students are exploring the human condition through the reading and analysis of Lord of the Flies, and what happens when the constraints of rules and society are removed. They participated in the Survival Simulation Activity where students grouped up in tribes to survive on a deserted island. They were tasked with nominating a leader for their tribe, establishing rules and consequences by which to survive by and formulating an escape plan. They also engaged their decision making skills by responding to a number of possible scenarios that emulated the environment of a deserted island. By the end of the simulation, students gained a better understanding of human nature and reflected on their own natures.

“My voice was heard in my tribe because my leader would listen to what I had to say. I helped with deciding on the decisions.” (8B)

“I certainly am not a person who likes to be in charge.” (8B)

“In my tribe, my voice was sometimes heard but I was frustrated when we weren’t able to discuss our ideas.” (8B)

“I wanted to become the leader because everything was messed up.” (8B)

“I was a useful asset to my tribe because I was able to decide on an escape plan.” (8B)

“I would prefer to work by myself because, when in a tribe, not everybody agrees on particular stuff.” (8B

“We were able to relate to the experiences that the boys had in Lord of the Flies through this activity.” (8A)

“We realised the significant impact and consequences that a bad decision could have on the rest of our team.” (8A)

“I definitely like to be the leader more than I like to have someone tell me what to do.” (8A)

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Yildiz Samci