
Select Your Campus


Dear Parents/Guardians,

Camps are an exciting and important component of the AIA experience. We actively encourage and expect our students to attend camp during the year. The Caroline Springs Senior Campus attends camp along with our Melbourne Senior Campus students.

Date: Monday 28th of February – Wednesday 2nd of March

Year 11 boys – UC Grantville

Year 11 girls – UC Grampians

Important information

  • Ensure medical forms and permission slips have been returned by no later than Monday the 21st of February.
  • Year 11 girls are required to be at school by 8:50am on the 28/2/22.
  • Year 11 boys are required to be at school by 7:30am on the 28/2/22. The boys will be transported to the Melbourne Senior Campus.
  • Year 11 girls are expected to return to CSSC at approximately 3:30pm on the 2/3/22.
  • Year 11 boys are expected to return to CSSC at approximately 4:30pm – 5pm on the 2/3/22.
  • Students are not permitted to bring snacks or junk food on camp due to allergies.
  • A packing list has been provided to all students – students must bring their own linen & doona/sleeping bag and pillow.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any additional questions –

Mr. Michael Riskas

Camps coordinator