
Select Your Campus

Head of Campus

Ms Angela Florio
Head of Campus

Dear Parents and Guardians,


Welcome to the Australian International Academy, Caroline Springs Campus. Our 2022 school year has begun. We want to extend a warm welcome to our new students and their families. To our existing families, we look forward to welcoming you back to a new chapter in the lives of your children. We are off to a fantastic start, and I am very excited about our upcoming year.

We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our children achieve their highest potential. We recognise that our children need support from both the home and school to be successful in school. We know a strong partnership with you will make a significant difference in your child’s education. As partners, we share the responsibility for our children’s success and want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our duties.

Our mission is to provide a quality education where students are nurtured in an enriching, comfortable and safe learning environment searching for academic and spiritual excellence.

We believe that every child is a unique individual who needs a secure, caring and stimulating environment to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically and socially.

The key aim for all our teaching and learning is to provide all students opportunities to learn, enjoy and achieve. We encourage and stimulate the best possible progress and the highest achievement for all our students.

Our curriculum builds on pupils’ strengths, interests and experiences and develops children’s confidence in their capacity to learn and work independently and collaboratively. We promote skills that help our learners improve their learning and performance and help them work well with others.

We ensure that we are developing students’ physical skills, self-esteem, and emotional well-being. We encourage them to recognise the importance of pursuing a healthy lifestyle and keeping themselves and others safe.

We provide rich and varied contexts for students to acquire, develop and apply a broad range of knowledge, understanding and skills. Doing so enables our students to think creatively and critically, solve problems, and make a difference for the better.

The school strives to build and promote Islamic values, encouraging all school community members to develop relationships that reflect; Happiness, love, forgiveness and respect for others.

Strategic Plan for 2022

The schools Strategic Plan for 2022 focuses on the following goals:

  1. Clear and Shared Focus
  2. Excellence in teaching and learning
  3. High Standards and Expectations for All Students
  4. Effective School Leadership
  5. High Levels of Collaboration and Communication
  6. Curriculum and Instruction Aligned with Standards
  7. Frequent Monitoring of Teaching and Learning
  8. Focused Professional Development for staff
  9. Supportive Learning Environment
  10. High Levels of Community and Parent Engagement

Welcome New Staff

Welcome to our new staff to Caroline Springs Primary School. The new 2022 staff are:

Melissa Mustafa Prep D


Jasmina Polimac Year 2C


Sabiha Sahin Year 3B


Kafa Zoghaib Year 3C


Elizabeth Borschman Visual & Performing Arts Teacher


Fuzia Shakh Ali Arabic/ Religion Teacher


Hanan Fatat Arabic/ Religion Teacher


Nadia Moosa – Library & Resources


Dunia Assafiri – Office Assistant


Omer Buday – ICT Administrator


Zeina Hassan – Support Staff


Muharrem Karabas – Maintenance


COVID-19 Message

We will endeavour to have the school gates open from 8:10 am – 8:40 am each day, and you can walk your child into the school grounds. At 8:30 am, when the bell goes, students may enter the classrooms, but parents will need to remain outside. If you wish to speak to a teacher, please arrange this with them in advance. Teachers must be in class with their students at 8:30 am, getting ready for the day’s learning. At 8:40 am, the gates will be locked. The main office area will be accessible throughout the day by parents. Please ensure to wear a mask.

If you are not vaccinated, please do not enter any school buildings, but instead, call the school on 91179252.

At the end of the school day, the school gates will be opened at approximately 3:00 pm.

Please continue to be COVID safe for the health and safety of students and staff.

Hours of Supervision

Parents are reminded that the hours of supervision in the yard are from 8:15 am until 3:20 pm. As such, parents are encouraged to ensure their child/ren arrives at school no earlier than 8:15 am and that they are prompt in collecting their child/ren at 3:05 pm. Your support in this matter is appreciated as we work together to ensure the safety of your children.

Late Arrivals and Students Picked Up Early From School

Classes begin at 8:30 am. It would be appreciated if students could be here on time. We understand that there are occasions where late arrival is unavoidable. However, learning starts at 8:30 am, and a late arrival means lost learning and disruption to the learning environment. Please, this needs to be avoided as much as possible. Parents need to be aware that students who arrive late must come via the office to receive a late slip.

Similarly, parents/guardians must have their child signed out at the school office if they need to pick their child/ren up early from school. If children are returned to school, their return must also be recorded at the school office by office staff. Children who are collected late (after 3.20 pm) will be directed to the school office by yard duty teachers.

Compulsory School Uniform

The school guidelines make it very clear as to the expectations of all students regarding school uniforms. Even at this early stage of the year, it is expected that all students adhere to these guidelines and that they are in full school uniform, including a school hat and black shoes. Staff will issue ‘out of uniform’ slips to those students who are not in uniform and do not have a note from home explaining this.

Severe Allergies & Asthma

The Caroline Springs Primary staff are highly aware of their duty of care when managing the students in their care. Students in our school have allergies to nuts, sesame, milk, dairy, and eggs. These allergies can result in students having an anaphylactic reaction (a potentially life-threatening situation) if exposed to these foods. Therefore, we would appreciate your assistance in maintaining a safe environment for our students through education. Please speak to your child about the importance of:

  • Washing hands (so that disease, infection or possible food is not transferred)
  • Students only eat their food (not sharing water bottles, drinks, snacks etc., and that lunch boxes, drink bottles, etc. are named.

Parent Participation

A feature of an effective school can be measured in part on parent participation and input. At Caroline Springs Primary Campus, we welcome and encourage parent participation as it supports everything we do. As the year progresses, parents will be given many opportunities to participate in the school. I encourage all parents to offer their assistance where and when possible.

We look forward to a brighter 2022 Academic Year.

Ms Angela Florio
Head of Campus
