Starting Prep is a new and exciting experience in itself, let alone at a brand-new campus. Our Preps of 2022 have blown us away with their ability to settle and fit right into our school community. We are very happy to welcome our new Preps and their families to our AIA Caroline Springs Primary Campus. Over the first few weeks of school the Preps have shown that they are a resilient and enthusiastic cohort.
We have spent the first few weeks of the school year getting to know each other, adjusting to our daily routines, and making new friends. As part of our Inquiry unit, we have brainstormed together with the students our classroom essential agreements, to ensure that our classrooms are a happy, nurturing, productive and safe environment for all of us. This unit of Inquiry is a great way to start the year for the Preps as through the learning experiences and investigations carried out in class, they begin to develop a stronger understanding of how we can make positive choices and interact kindly with each other in a variety of situations. So far this has helped our Preps to settle into school life and we can already see many wonderful friendships forming.
The Prep students have also explored the wider school environment, familiarising themselves with the different places on our campus, such as the library, the office, toilets, drink tap station, playground, sandpit, the Art and ICT room. They have also met other special members of our school community such as our principal, librarian, and other teachers.
In class, the Preps have been learning to correctly form the letters of the alphabet to write their name, developing their counting skills, and making connections to the books and poems that we read during literacy lessons.
We are looking forward to spending the 2022 school year with our Preps. We are excited to work with all our parents, guardians and families to develop fruitful partnerships that will help us to take each child on a positive learning journey.
Ms Sarah Olayvar, Ms Abrar Abd El-Migid, Ms Tatiana Barros & Ms Melissa Mustafa
Prep Teachers

Also in this Edition
28 February 2022